Get to know the language and culture now!
This makes life in Germany easier. The Akademisches Bildungs-Center eV offers a balanced and varied program for successfully completing the integration course.
General integration course
The program:
The program begins with a German course in 6 modules. The modules are divided into levels A1, A2 and B1 and comprise a total of 600 teaching units - 1 unit is 45 minutes.Anyone who already speaks German can start in a higher module. There is a two-stage placement test (written and oral).
Important topics from everyday life are dealt with in the language course, for example:
- Work and job
- Free time and social contacts
- Initial and continuing education
- health and
- hygiene / human body
- Care and upbringing of children
- Shopping / trade / consumption
- Media and media usage
The basic course has 300 teaching units, the advanced course a further 300 teaching units. This is followed by an orientation course on history, politics and culture in Germany.
Childcare accompanying the integration course
While you are learning the German language undisturbed in the classroom, your child will have fun in our on-site childcare with children of the same age.
When registering for the integration course, ask about the childcare capacity and secure your place!
The costs for childcare can be covered by the BAMF after the application has been approved.
Eligibility and admissions:
Information and funding can be obtained from:
- at the immigration office
- at the job center
- at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
Do you not have a license yet? No problem, we will help you with the application.
- Integration courses à DTZ exam (German test for immigrants) from TELC
- Orientation course à Life in Germany exam from the BAMF